Arranta Bio
650 Pleasant St., Watertown, MA 02472
Susan Surabian
Susan Surabian: CSR Leader: In this role, Susan collaborates with key stakeholders across the company to integrate corporate responsibility concepts into company strategies and stakeholder engagement activities to advance Arranta Bio’s Corporate Social Responsibility program and create positive social impact and business value. Susan leads the grassroots program with internal and external groups to identify new opportunities to address social and environmental challenges. The groups work closely with the Leadership team on governance and corporate responsibility issues. During her time at Arranta, Susan has held several roles, including leading programs that encourage STEM education and help bridge the opportunity gap for underprivileged students, support employee efforts in the community and help establish sustainability practices within the growing organization.
Susan serves on the Watertown Business Coalition board as the Life Science Ambassador to helps build strong community relationships. Susan is currently a member of the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and a member of the Women in Boston Organization. She has partnered with a local program to improve diversity in STEM education.
Susan has focused on community outreach and volunteering with a goal to spread kindness and equality with steady perseverance. She believes that consistency in the workplace and in employees’ everyday lives is key to improving the future of the life sciences industry and
beyond. She stated, “Without a parallel evolution of each individuals’ responsible behaviors the CSR program, our corporate strategies cannot be a reality. Our purpose is to create connections with each other to help others thrive in their everyday lives. Today, those connections are more important than ever, and I feel fortunate to be part of a team living out that purpose”.